

哲学はなにを扱うか What does philosophy deal with?

"Scuola di Atene" - Raffaello Santi 1509-1510





Philosophy has always been drawn to the most enigmatic fact of our existence – that we exist. This enigma persists because we can never entirely objectify ourselves in the same manner as the subjects of specialized sciences. In other words, we cannot place our entirety before ourselves in the way we can with other things.

It might be tempting to consider that psychology as the science emerged to grasp the essence of "ourselves" through concepts such as the soul or mind. Similarly, not only psychology but also anthropology, sociology, and even biology seemingly revolve around the study of human beings. However, these disciplines, despite their focus on us, inadvertently fail to fully capture the vibrant, living selves that act and exist in the very moments of these inquiries.

Our selves cannot be simply encompassed by the nets cast by specialized sciences. Nothing outweighs the importance of understanding ourselves. Indeed, all these sciences, or rather everything, would lose its significance without our existence. This is precisely why philosophy, the discipline capable of addressing what escapes other sciences and demands attention, id est, human "being," is indispensable.

The essence and enduring goal of philosophy is to comprehend ourselves. The famous quote "know thyself," which drove Socrates, lies at the core of philosophy's essence.